get gateway status v1 series

Retrieve a list of v1 status messages for a gateway, suitable for users to view.

This call is not intended for downloading large volumes of data.
It returns a maximum of 5000 data points.

You can control the amount of data to collect by setting the date range and downsample rate.

  • If the requested time period and downsample rate will produce a payload that exceeds the maximum of 5000 data points,
    the body of the response contains an error message.
  • If the request does not specify a downsample rate, the call calculates a rate that results in a number of data points close to the maximum.
    The expected number of status messages assumes 1 status message every 5 minutes.

On success, the body of the response contains both the data and a summary of the start and end dates, the
returned item count, and the downsampleRate used.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!